10 Hairstyles That Can Make You Look Cheap

10 Hairstyles That Can Make You Look Cheap

The label of being unsophisticated is frequently linked not just to people’s backgrounds but also to their appearance. And as they say, the devil is in the details. Even a meticulously planned look can be ruined by a minor detail, such as a misplaced hairpin or a poorly executed ponytail. Daily Trend Blog discovered which…

Meet Shanidar Z, A 40-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman Who Lived 75,000 Years Ago

Meet Shanidar Z, A 40-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman Who Lived 75,000 Years Ago

Scientists have reconstructed the skull of a 40-something Neanderthal woman buried in a cave 75,000 years ago. The woman, found in 2018, was given the name Shanidar Z after the cave in Iraqi Kurdistan where she was laid to rest. To learn more about Neanderthal anatomy, scientists spent nine months piecing together Shanidar Z’s skull from 200 bone fragments. “There is some artistic license there,…