“The Simpsons” Unexpectedly Airs Its “Series Finale”, Fans Are Left Stunned

“The Simpsons” Unexpectedly Airs Its “Series Finale”, Fans Are Left Stunned

The Simpsons fans were left stunned over their beloved cartoon’s latest episode which appeared to be the series finale. While the confusing episode featured the cartoon version of Conan O’Brien hosting an Oscars-like send-off, the episode turned out to be a parody of typical finales. Using AI, the episode highlighted clichés and emphasized the show’s ability to continue indefinitely.  The Season 36…

Baby Reindeer’s Real-Life Stalker Says She’s The Victim, Wants To Sue For Defamation

Baby Reindeer’s Real-Life Stalker Says She’s The Victim, Wants To Sue For Defamation

The woman accused of being the real-life stalker depicted on Netflix’s Baby Reindeer has expressed her strong disapproval of the show and warned about taking legal action against the streaming giant. Written and directed by Richard Gadd, the drama-thriller series is based on Gadd’s real-life experience of being stalked by a mentally ill woman while he was a bartender at The Hawley…